On this page you will find a collection of Eric Reardon photos. He jams with some of the area’s finest talent on the stages of Boston’s North Shore and beyond. Check out the SOSS Calendar to see where he’s tearing it up next… Enjoy!

Featured photo of the week
Eric Reardon has been playing guitar for more than 18 years. And in that time, he has become one of the most widely respected players, songwriters and band organizers on Boston’s North Shore. That being the case, he has joined the ranks of a couple of up and coming bands… Sarah & the Wild Versatile, as well as, Skunk Sessions. And, he occasionally sits in with Henley Douglas, Jr. and his band, HDRnB.
As one of the North Shore’s top guitarists, Eric can join in with any band and add his personal touch to their sound. Furthermore, he has had the privilege to open for acts including… the Heavy Metal Horns, Robert Randolph & the Family Band, Booker T & the MG’s, Maroon 5, Sister Sparrow & the Dirty Birds, Dave Mason and Nick Moss.
He can be seen sharing the stage with some of the talent mentioned above and many others in the photos featured here. Check out the SOSS Facebook and Instagram pages to see more photos of Eric Reardon. Better yet, head out to his next show to see him or more importantly, hear him for yourself!
Skim through this sampling of Eric Reardon photos